I finished Social Media Metrics by Jim Sterne. Jim is a speaker, author, and guru with it comes to analytics and social media. I was a very light read, in that it was consumed very easily and quickly. I know many of you reading here are probably into analytics or social media, but I know all of you have an analytical mind and are social, so that still counts :) If you have an interest in online measurement, this is a great book to start out in. The book is specifically on social media metrics; tracking and measuring social behaviour online. The book goes into depth with real-life examples that back up on the mere conceptual talk that may have come across from Googling "social media measurement".
I wrote a blog post on the CardinalPath.com blog talking about 5 KPI's that businesses should embrace in their online measurement when it comes to social media. It's a good and light read that I recommend checking out - if you are into it of course :)
Now moving down a tangent, today I came across a Samoyed on kijiji from an ad that my friend shared on Facebook. This dog is super cute, and somewhat resembles one that I want, a Chow Chow. They are also referred to as Bjelkier, Samoiedskaya Sobaka, and Nenetskaya Laika. Samoyed are from Northwest Russia and Western Siberia, and they are sometimes nickanemd Smiley or Sammy... I like Smiley more :)
While admiring the dog's photo on Kijiji, I did my own search and found this one. I pinned it to my Pinterest account and immediately got 2 repins and 1 like :) Such a cute dog, I think I want this one!
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